AIM: The Narrative module positions storytelling as one of the most unifying objectives of graphic design. We looked at how experimentation with visual material can enhance personally authored writing, and we embrace a wide range of interdisciplinary themes to encourage approaches to narrative storytelling beyond the conventions of a traditional book.
BRIEF: We would like you to think back to an experience that is connected (somehow) to the theme ‘wonder’. How you interpret the word is entirely up to you – but it will almost certainly centre around someone, something, or somewhere (or a combination). Find a compelling way to express your story in the form of a printed book – identifying a clear purpose (or super-objective) and exploring the way visual elements contribute to the construction of a narrative.
MY BOOK: Creates a sense of wonder and youth by telling a story through the characters senses and incorporate the sense into the physical book; so that it corresponds with the narrative inside and creates that same sense of wonder when you hold it.